Elder Abuse

Understanding Elder Abuse

Because most of us regard the elderly with appreciation and respect, it’s hard to believe that there are those who would mistreat or take advantage of seniors. But elder abuse is all too real, and it’s up to the rest of us to hold these wrongdoers accountable. There are many dimensions to elder abuse. Some of it is physical or overt. But it can also take less obvious forms: neglectfulness, financial manipulation, negligent administration of medication, nursing home malpractice, etc. Fortunately, for most kinds of abuse or neglect, the law provides meaningful recourse for victims and their families. Specifically, nursing homes are liable for failing to uphold a high standard of care when treating their residents. Family members, doctors, and other caretakers can also be held accountable for physical or financial abuse or neglect.

Physical Elder Abuse

While no kind of mistreatment of a senior citizen is ever acceptable, physical elder abuse is especially heartbreaking. Family members, nursing home staff, hospital attendants, doctors, and even total strangers have been known to assault and/or batter innocent seniors in New York.

Emotional Abuse and Elder Neglect

More common than physical abuse, elder neglect is a real problem too. In some cases, it may include medical malpractice by a nursing home, hospital, or doctor. Failing to properly monitor, check in on, or care for an elderly patient or resident can constitute unlawful abandonment or neglect. Senior citizens may also become victims of emotional abuse. This can include name-calling, taunting, shouting, intimidation, unjustified punishment, social isolation, abandonment, or bribery.

Financial Elder Abuse

Economic exploitation of senior citizens is a serious and surprisingly prevalent problem, especially in New York. In fact, a recent study by Weill Cornell Medical College found that nearly 5% of older adults here report having fallen victim to financial elder abuse since turning 60. Property theft, stolen money, embezzlement, dishonest abuse of credit cards or bank accounts, blackmail, and intimidation are among the most common complaints. In other cases, a caretaker may refuse to provide certain services unless the senior signs over a legal document or privilege. It is also common for family or friends to spend money allocated for the senior’s treatment on personal expenses instead. Sadly, most instances of financial elder abuse are committed by close family members.

Contact An Elder Abuse Attorney at The Donaldson Law Firm

If you or a loved one is the victim of elder abuse, The Donaldson Law Firm can help. Stephen Donaldson, Esq. will fight for the justice and compensation to which you are entitled. To take a stand, call or email our office.